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odp announcement

ODP Announcement 22-085 announces clarification for Supports Coordination Organizations (SCO) on resuming Waiver and Targeted Support Management (TSM) Supports Coordination (SC) in-person monitoring. Many adjustments have been made to the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) policy and operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appendix K allowed for SC services to be provided remotely during the pandemic. ODP planned to replace the Appendix K guidance with new requirements detailed in the Intellectual Disability and Autism (ID/A) Waiver renewals and the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) amendment effective July 1, 2022, to allow for some SC individual monitoring to continue to be completed remotely.

Both the ID/A Waiver renewals and the AAW amendment are pending approval with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). Therefore, ODP is issuing guidance to clarify the expected requirements of individual monitorings performed by SCs. This announcement outlines the updated requirements for SC in-person and remote monitoring and obsoletes that section of Appendix K.

ODP expects SCOs that were unable to meet the June 30 deadline for completing the in-person monitoring for at-risk individuals to continue to follow their plan and communicate with the ODP regional office to ensure that all the priority individuals are seen in-person.

This announcement outlines requirements for SCOs to implement no later than October 1. For additional questions, please contact your appropriate ODP regional office.

ODP Announcement 22-054 informs Medication Administration Trainers that the outage for important infrastructural changes to the Medication Administration Training Program will now be extended through Sunday, August 7, 2022.

Trainers will be able to login and register to take the “Train the Trainer” course on August 8, 2022. Trainers will be able to administer new classes, and students will be able to register in the system on September 6, 2022. If you attempt to conduct a class or complete any training on the system during this outage, your work will be lost.

All sites related to the Medication Administration Training Program will be unavailable because of scheduled maintenance from 12:00 am, Friday, July 1, 2022, now through Sunday, August 7, 2022. We apologize for the inconvenience.

ODP Announcement 22-083 announces that Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) providers with approved ARPA Grant applications should use the following survey to request reimbursement for expenses incurred. Reimbursement for Technology Grants may consist of one progress payment and one final payment. Reimbursement for Training/Credentialing and Business Associate Grants may include up to two progress payments and one final payment.

Prior to beginning the survey, providers should ensure that supporting documentation (paid invoices, cancelled checks, accounting records, etc.) is available and scanned into a PDF format. These documents will need to be attached at the end of the survey.

Providers should generally expect to see payments a few weeks following ODP’s review of submitted information.

Please access the survey here. Contact Rick Smith for technical questions or issues.

ODP Announcement 22-084 informs all interested parties that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is offering a webinar regarding the approved Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers effective June 1, 2022. Information and the link to register for the webinar is as follows:

August 19, 2022
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Register here.

To access the current waivers that contain the changes that will be discussed during the webinar, please use the following links:

For each waiver, you will have the option to review the full waiver or the “Record of Change” document that contains a concise version of the substantial changes that were made.

CONTACT: Questions about this communication should be directed to the appropriate Office of Developmental Programs Regional Office.

ODP Announcement 22-073 notifies stakeholders that there is now an additional training session available to members of HRTs and HRCs. With the release of Bulletin 00-21-01 “Guidance for Human Rights Teams and Human Rights Committees,” the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released a 4-part webcast series titled “Human Rights In Depth” to provide information and support for stakeholders involved in implementing the guidance and requirements related to individual rights and restrictive procedures.

The 4 webcasts, which are available on MyODP, provide detailed discussions of the following topic areas:

  1. Responsibility to Inform and Strategies to Support People to Exercise their Rights;
  2. How to Make a Determination;
  3. Human Rights Teams; and
  4. Human Rights Committees.

Following up on those webcasts, ODP offered webinar trainings to members of HRTs and HRCs to delve more deeply into the process of “MAKING A DETERMINATION.”

The direct link to the Making a Determination course and recordings is here. The navigation path from the MyODP Home page is: Training > Intellectual Disability > Human Rights.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

ODP Announcement 20-114 explains that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) currently allows staff who are required to take the Standard Medication Administration Training Course (“Standard Course”) to take the Modified Medication Administration Training Course (“Modified Course”) until July 31, 2022.

The Department previously required that staff who took the Modified Course in lieu of the Standard Course complete the Standard Course no later than December 31, 2022. Please be advised that this deadline has been extended to June 30, 2023.

Staff persons may take the Modified Course in lieu of the Standard Course until July 31, 2022. Beginning August 1, 2022, staff persons must take the Standard Course.

ODP Announcement 22-080 informs stakeholders that Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be facilitating Forums for Certified Investigators (CIs) and others involved in the incident investigation process. It also announces the posting of Q&A documents from past CI Forums on MyODP.

The session date and time is Friday, August 12, 2022, at 10:00 am – 11:30 am.
Topic: Investigatory Process
Registration for August 12, 2022, is open. Registration will close at the end of the day on August 10, 2022.

Please submit investigatory process questions and provide input on future forums. Complete this questionnaire by close of business Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

For all CI Forum-related questions, please send an email to Amanda Black.

ODP Announcement 22-079 announces the start of Cycle 2 of the Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Process. Cycle 2, Year 1 of the QA&I Process will begin on August 1, 2022. All materials and resources related to the QA&I Process will be posted on the MyODP Training & Resource Center (MyODP). Please note that you must be logged into MyODP to access the information.

Please direct any inquiries, issues, or concerns regarding this communication to the QA&I Process inbox.