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On August 22, 2022, the Department of Human Services (DHS) announced the availability of Pennsylvania’s Final Statewide Transition Plan (STP) for the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Rule for a 30-day public comment period. The announcement contained plans for DHS to record a presentation providing a general overview of the HCBS Rule and Pennsylvania’s Final Statewide Transition Plan to prepare stakeholders for public comment. The recording of this presentation is now available on the Home and Community-Based Services Statewide Transition Plan web page.

Pennsylvania’s Final Statewide Transition Plan and information about how to provide public comment, including during webinars specific to the Office of Child Development and Early Learning, Office of Developmental Programs, and Office of Long-Term Living, are also available on the HCBS STP web page.

ODP Announcement 22-099 provides a revision to the rate for the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) services for enhanced communication. The enhanced communication rate is available for services from providers who have proficient signing staff to serve signing d/Deaf individuals or utilize PA registered, certified Sign Language Interpreters during service provision.

Attachment A is available to explain the differences between having staff who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) versus using an ASL Interpreter.

Providers who wish to request an enhanced communication rate must complete either the: Enhanced Communication Rate Request Form (Signing Staff) — Attachment B, or Enhanced Communication Rate Request Form (Sign Language Interpreting Services) — Attachment C.

Questions about the contents of this announcement may be directed to the ODP Deaf Services inbox. This communication obsoletes ODP Announcement 20-011, Revision to the Enhanced Communication Rate for Services.

ODP Announcement 22-098 is intended to provide additional clarification on combining partial units as it pertains to Personal Care and Home Health Care Services that are subject to electronic visit verification (EVV), i.e. Respite — unlicensed, Homemaker, Companion, In-Home and Community Supports and Community Supports, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech/Language Therapy, and Therapies — Counseling.

All Personal Care and Home Health Care services subject to EVV are permitted to bill units that are based on the total accumulated continuous or non-continuous service time across an individual calendar day or across multiple calendar days. The beginning and end date submitted on a claim detail line informs the system what date range it should look in for time in the EVV Aggregator for the same provider, individual, and service. Once all continuous or non-continuous service time in the aggregator is located, the system will total all the time found and use the total time to calculate units. The total calculated units in the EVV aggregator are then compared to the units submitted on the claim.

As long as the total calculated units found in the EVV aggregator is equal to or greater than the units submitted on the claim detail line, the claim will pass EVV validation and continue moving through the claims adjudication process, where it is subject to plan validation and additional Medical Assistance and ODP specific edits and audits in the Medicaid Management Information System (PROMISe).

Please note that the ODP EVV Technical Guide Version 2.0 is being updated to reflect this clarification about combining partial units for services subject to EVV.

For additional information about EVV, please view the DHS EVV website. Providers with additional questions regarding this matter should contact their respective ODP Regional Office.

A Better Understanding of Mental Health to Improve Systems and Supports

Articles in this issue of Positive Approaches focus on lived experiences and emerging treatments and supports for people with mental health challenges, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Article topics include the training process and outcomes of Mental Health First Aid, a Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and Allegheny County DHS pilot program to better address the complex needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, and/or acute behavioral health needs, and an interview with a person with lived experience discussing the gaps, challenges, and opportunities of supporting someone with an autism spectrum diagnosis and co-occurring mental health diagnoses. There are also articles detailing the transition process from an institutionalized setting to a community setting and the outcomes for individuals with autism and drawing on research and lived experience to conclude that mental health conditions in autistic people are a result of the society in which they live with autism, not autism itself.

This issue of Positive Approaches Journal is in digital form, available for viewing online, or available for downloading here. To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, you will find these options within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with your selected document. In your browser, you may click the Print button in the top left corner of the page, or by using the Print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by clicking on the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page.

The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. For additional information, please contact ODP Training.

Updates from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) for Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) providers:

Please find the Instructions for the ID-46 Cost Report forms, which were emailed previously. Also available is a checklist for completion prior to submission.  A few items to note:


  • PDF file contains a Table of Contents on page 2.
  • Document is organized into these major categories:
    • General Instructions/Regulations — Pages 3–4
    • Timing/Requirements for Submission — Pages 4–5
    • Overall Instructions for ID-46 Excel File — Pages 5–7
    • Detailed Instructions for Each Schedule — Pages 8–46
    • Submission Procedures — Pages 47–48
    • Post Submission Procedures — Pages 49–50
    • Appendices — Pages 51–73
  • Within Adobe Acrobat, if you click on the Bookmark symbol in the left margin, all headings throughout the document will appear in a list that is ‘clickable’ so you can jump directly to points of interest and minimize scrolling. An alternate method to display Bookmarks: View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Bookmarks.


  • May be completed by clicking on Blue fields within Adobe Acrobat.
  • Items required to be submitted with cost report, along with requested syntax for file names, are listed on pages 4 & 5.

All cost reports and supporting documentation must be submitted via email for FY 2021/22 by 9/30/2022 with:
Subject line: ‘Cost Report Submission – provider name’

If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please contact Pamela Gilbert or Steve Evitts.

Pamela S. Gilbert | Fiscal Manager
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support

ODP Announcement 22-097 serves to clarify Supports Coordinator and Provider responsibilities when supporting d/Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind individuals.

There is some confusion regarding deaf services within the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). Some individuals are a member of the Harry M class, and there are specific requirements that continue to apply to them even though the settlement has now ended. ODP’s commitment to effectively supporting d/Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind individuals continues.

This announcement clarifies who is included in the Harry M class and who is not a part of the class but is eligible for services. It also clarifies the additional ongoing requirements for members of the class.

Please direct any questions about this announcement to the ODP Deaf Services inbox or to the appropriate ODP Regional Office.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Join us for a day of presentations and discussions about what Finally Home could mean for you, your loved ones, or those you support.

We will:

  • Be energized by opening speaker Erica McFadden, Director of Independent Living at the Administration for Community Living;
  • Hear the experiences of people on their Finally Home journey;
  • Learn how you can get involved from David Gates;
  • Discuss the role of technology in our Everyday Lives; and
  • Be inspired by Kristin Ahrens, Deputy Secretary of the Office of Developmental Programs, as we close our day.

Registration is required. You can register for the event here. For questions or accessibility accommodation requests, please contact Maryann via email or (610) 565-5177.

ODP Announcement 22-094 announces the release of the Residential Individual Support Plan (ISP) Staffing three-part webcast training located on MyODP.

The Residential ISP Staffing trainings described in ODP Announcement 22-017, which were provided virtually or in-person, have been completed. To ensure ongoing training is available for new staff or for current staff who may benefit from a review of the content, a three-part training webcast is now available.

The training covers the same content as the prior virtual or in-person sessions. The training includes opportunities for participants to apply the concepts through examples and can be taken at a pace appropriate to the needs of the participant and their agency.

Participants who complete all requirements will receive 4 hours of training credit. Certificates for past trainings on MyODP are still available in the course where you completed the requirements.

Any questions, please reach out to your regional office.

ODP Announcement 22-092 announces that the Department of Human Services (Department) is accepting comments on Pennsylvania’s Final Statewide Transition Plan (STP) for Home and Community-Based Services, which can be accessed here. Comments received by 11:59 pm on September 22, 2022, will be reviewed and considered for revisions to Pennsylvania’s Final STP that will be submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

A webinar specific to STP Information for the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be held on September 8, 2022, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Please register for the webinar.

Stakeholders may provide public comment through one of the following methods:

  1. Electronic comments submitted via email. Stakeholders are asked to use the subject header “PA Final STP” when submitting comments.
  2. Written comments submitted via mail: Department of Human Services, Office of the Secretary, P. O. Box 2675, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675.
  3. Verbal and written comments during public comment webinars.

Charting the LifeCourse was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. This training series is for all professional stakeholders.

Participants in this training will:

  • Learn about the National Charting the LifeCourse Community of Practice;
  • Apply LifeCourse Principles and LifeCourse Framework; and
  • Practice Using LifeCourse Tools.


September 16, 2022, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Registration opens 8/10/22.

December 16, 2022, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Registration opens 11/10/22.

February 22, 2023, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Registration opens 1/18/23.

May 11, 2023, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Registration opens 4/6/23.

All dates are visible in the course, but registration links will open about 5 weeks in advance of each session.