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The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is re-releasing Announcement 20-072 with “HCBS At-A-Glance By Level of Community Spread” to better assist stakeholders in tracking and referencing specific guidance related to ODP functions in the context of the Level of Community Spread within a County. Updates appear in red.

The At-A-Glance Guide provides a quick reference on related operational guidance and will inform providers, Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs), and Administrative Entities (AEs) planning across multiple counties. The At-A-Glance Guide has been updated to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID Data Tracker as a primary source for monitoring the level of community transmission of COVID-19. The CDC COVID Data Tracker uses four (4) levels of community transmission: Low, Moderate, Substantial, and High.

The At-A-Glance Guide addresses the following functions:

  • Compliance with 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6100, 6400, and 6500;
  • Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I) process;
  • Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q);
  • Supports Intensity Scale (SIS™) and PA Plus Assessments;
  • Administrative Entity (AE) Processes;
  • Licensing Inspections;
  • Investigations Completed by Certified Investigators; and
  • Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs).

CONTACT: Please contact your ODP Regional Office for any questions about this announcement.

Safety During In-Person Visits: Infection Mitigation Strategies for Supports Coordinators and In-Home and Community Support Providers

Thursday, October 28, 2021
2:00 pm–3:00 pm

This webinar is being offered by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in conjunction with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, who will share their expertise in infection mitigation strategies important for SCs and in-home and community support providers to promote safety for yourselves and those you support. 

Topics covered will include:
How Infections Occur
Breaking the Chain of Infection
Standard Precautions
Everyday Precautions and Mitigation Strategies for COVID-19
References and Resources


ODP Announcement 21-074 shares the information that on Saturday, September 11, 2021, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released enhancements within the EIM system. Please see the accompanying attachment, Enterprise Incident Management Enhancements Newsletter, for a complete listing of the recent enhancements.

Live question and answer sessions will be hosted from October through December specific to recent enhancements and the use of the analytic dashboards. There will be separate Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions for Provider and SC/County users. These sessions will be held multiple times, and users only need to attend one session of the type. Attendees are encouraged to view the pre-recorded webcasts prior to attending the sessions. All of these sessions are currently available on the Home and Community Services Information System Learning Management System (HCSIS LMS) for registration. Please see the announcement for details.

A message from Pam Gilbert, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Fiscal Manager:

The ICF unit has re-evaluated the FY 21–22 Transmittal Letter Form which was included with the 9/15/21 mailing of the Mercer created ID-47 Budget/Waiver forms. The primary purpose of the Transmittal Letter was to eliminate the need for the Administrator to sign every waiver request form and to roll them up on to one document for signature. We do not want to create unnecessary work for you or require something that we do not anticipate actually using. Therefore, we have attached a simplified version which only requires the total amount being requested for each site.

If you have already prepared the former version, you may submit that. It is your choice if you wish to use the attached simplified version. We intend to be flexible with the acceptance of these letters while we all work through the transition. In order to get this form out to you as quickly as possible for the 11/1 due date, we have not updated the ID-47 Instructions for this simplified transmittal letter form option.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact both Steve Evitts and me.

Pamela S. Gilbert | Fiscal Manager
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support
USPS & InterOffice: P.O. Box 2675 | Forum Place, 8th Fl., ODP Suite | Harrisburg, PA  17105
FedEx/UPS:  555 Walnut St. | 8th Fl., ODP Suite | Harrisburg, PA  17101
Phone:  717.787.7123 (currently voicemail only)

ODP Announcement 21-073 announces the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is continuing to promote awareness of pressure injuries as part of our ongoing efforts to assure participant health and safety. ODP is working in conjunction with the state’s Health Care Quality Units (HCQUs) to implement a Skin Integrity Initiative.

The goals of this pressure injury initiative are twofold: to raise awareness about pressure injury occurrences and to identify appropriate preventive measures that will reduce associated health risks. Pressure injuries (also referred to as pressure ulcers, pressure wounds, bed sores or decubiti) can be associated with significant health complications and even death. The announcement contains details on the implementation, data collection, and reporting methods that will be used going forward in this initiative.

Tablet on a desk - Questions and Answers

ODP Announcement 21-066 serves to distribute Version 3 of the FAQ document on questions received in regards to Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02. The FAQ document contains both updates and changes. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, and dialogue during trainings, phone calls, etc. A FAQ was developed to answer some of the questions received. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders.

ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ. The new questions that were added have a blue background, and any updated answer from a previous question is italicized. The Q and A begins on page three of the announcement.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or email directly.