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OMHSAS IBHS training

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As a follow-up to the IBHS Implementation WebEx last week; RCPA wanted to provide an update and links to the documents sent out following the OMHSAS presentation. In the event you were unable to participate in the presentation, it is available on YouTube via this OMHSAS/IBHS resource page.

This website is where all OMHSAS IBHS materials will be posted going forward. In addition to the training video, RCPA is providing the links below to those documents that were reviewed during the training. Included in these documents are the Presentation PowerPoint, Licensing Applications, Training Schedules, EBT Lists, and the Service Description checklist, among other information. Please review all documents to ensure you are fully informed prior to your IBHS Regional Summit.

Please see the links below to the documents:

  1. IBHS Trainings-External 10-4-19 FINAL (FRIDAY’S WEBEX PRESENTATION)
  2. IBHS Initial Provider Outreach letter
  3. IBHS SD Checklist 7-19
  4. HS 633 electronic
  5. License Application Instructions – 9-2019
  6. IBHS Acronyms
  7. BH-MCO IBHS Contact and Counties Served
  8. Statewide County Administrators List
  9. Enrollment Handout
  10. Waiver Bulletin 2016
  11. OMHSAS IBHS Contact List
  12. Additional Regional Training Dates Flyer
  13. IBHS Approved EBT List 091719
  • Any regulatory questions should be sent to the IBHS resource account for clarification.
  • For all licensing questions, please use the OMHSAS IBHS Contact List of regional field offices and direct your questions to those appropriate regional staff.

If you have any further questions or feedback, please contact the RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.