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Performace-Based Contracting

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 25-007, which states that the 2024 National Core Indicators® Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (NCI®-IDD) State of the Workforce (SoTW) survey portal will open on February 10, 2025.

With the introduction of Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) in 2024, residential providers in the Select and Clinically Enhanced tiers, in accordance with performance measure WF 03.3, are now required to “participate in the NCI®-IDD State of the Workforce Survey and release provider NCI®-IDD data to ODP to validate turnover and other workforce data.” All other eligible providers remain strongly encouraged to participate and contribute to the data used to improve the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities/Autism service system.

The PBC Residential Data Submission Tools for each tier will be open from February 15, 2025, to March 15, 2025. Providers planning to submit for either Select or Clinically Enhanced tiers are advised to complete the NCI SoTW survey. Providers are encouraged to obtain a copy of the NCI SoTW submission before submitting their data and documents to ODP. A copy of the survey can be found here.

Providers not participating in the PBC process will complete the NCI® SoTW survey by June 30, 2025.

Please review the announcement for additional information and detail. Any questions, please contact Ms. Lee Stephens, ODP IM4Q/NCI®-IDD Statewide Lead, via email.