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Shapiro Administration

The ID/A Associations are continuing our advocacy for increases to the IDD budget in PA. Join us at the Capitol in Harrisburg on Wednesday, June 28 to advocate for the preservation of desperately needed services for individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism. People with disabilities, families, and advocates will be going to legislative offices in Harrisburg, dropping off information, and asking legislators to increase funding for ID/A services.

We will begin by meeting at the East Wing entrance to the capitol at 11:00 am. From there, we will be distributing handouts for participants to deliver to various offices. Staff from all the associations will be on hand to provide guidance as needed. After visits and a break for lunch, we will gather at 1:00 pm in the rotunda for a press conference, hearing from families who are in need of supports and services for their family member(s).

This effort is imperative, as there is no longer a risk of the system collapsing. The intellectual disability system is collapsing. Thousands of people are losing services, and more will soon be added to that list due to a proposed budget reduction and a lack of investment into rates. Inaction by the legislature will only further exacerbate this crisis and leave thousands more individuals and families without services. If nothing is done to address the inadequate rates now, more families in Pennsylvania will suffer.

The budget negotiations are ongoing, and we need YOU and everyone you know to help our advocacy efforts. As the Governor and legislature continue to negotiate funding for the budget, they need to hear from constituents about the importance of the ID/A system and why investing into the rates is the only way to ensure that providers can pay their staff higher wages and attract new staff to serve more people.

If you would prefer to visit your local legislative offices, we can provide the handouts to you via email to distribute to your legislators.

Contact Carol Ferenz or Cathy Barrick to register or if you have any questions.

The sustained funding of community-based mental health services, such as community residential programs, family-based support, outpatient care, and crisis intervention, are critical to the wellbeing of our constituents and our communities. Funding levels for county mental health services have direct impacts on whether these important community and family supports will be available. Yet for too many years, state funding for mental health services has lagged far behind its needs. Counties find themselves advocating for the prevention of funds being cut instead of achieving the increases that are needed to catch up from years of underfunding.

This week’s letter, sent on behalf of the Coalition for the Mental Health Safety Net, stands as an open call to the PA General Assembly and stakeholders. For Pennsylvanians with a mental illness, the impact of the county funding shortfalls is already evident. The effects include: shortages of key mental health professionals; chronic underpayment of mental health providers; reductions/closures in mental health residential programs and supportive services, including employment and psychiatric rehabilitation services; uneven crisis response services; outpatient program closures; and the continuing criminalization of mental illness. Across the Commonwealth, there is no consistent level of mental health services available, and access to critical services largely depends on which county a patient lives in.

The Coalition is open to all new partners who wish to join our mission of advocacy for this 2023/24 initiative, as the time to act and engage with your representative is now. The Coalition will also be developing an advocacy toolkit for members to come together to sustain the safety net and serve those who need it most. The reality is that the demand for service far outweighs capacity and rate structures to serve this population.

If you have additional questions or would like to join the Mental Health Safety Net Coalition, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.

The Department of Aging has released their invitation for an upcoming regional town hall event regarding Pennsylvania’s 10-year Master Plan for Older Adults. This plan is being developed as a result of the Governor’s Executive Order, which is to enhance the health, well-being, and quality of life for older adults and adults with disabilities.

The Town Halls recently announced will be held on:

  • June 27, 2023, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm in the Rose Lehrman Arts Center at Harrisburg Community College, 1 HACC Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110
  • June 29, 2023, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm in the Elsie H. Hillman Auditorium at the Kaufmann Center, 1825 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

For additional information or to RSVP your attendance, please contact the Secretary of Aging’s office via email.

Statewide associations have been united in advocating for an increase of $430 million in state funds to the home and community-based waiver rates to offset the impact of actual inflation not included in these rates. This was in addition to the budget proposed by the Governor in March of this year. This $430 million in state funding would be matched by an additional $470 million in federal funding to the State.

HB 611 decreased the Governor’s proposal from March by $170 million for the Community Waiver line item, a decrease that represents the growing loss of services within our system. This decrease was a result of underutilization due to the lack of staffing, as individuals struggled to find providers available to support them in their communities.

The ID/A associations joined together to send a message to the General Assembly in a letter expressing our concerns for the viability of ID/A services in PA. Please share this letter with your legislators to ensure adequate funding for ID/A services.

Message From the Department of Human Services
June 8, 2023

Harrisburg, PA — The Shapiro Administration today announced it has completely eliminated a backlog of Medicaid provider enrollment and revalidation applications, paving the way for more health care providers to become part of the Medicaid program, and giving Medicaid recipients more options for care. This announcement follows news in late April that the Department of Human Services (DHS) had already reduced the provider backlog by 75 percent within Governor Shapiro’s first 100 days in office.

As of January 2023, there was a backlog of more than 35,000 provider applications and revalidation applications that were more than 30 days old. Within the first 100 days of the Administration, the number of waiting applicants was reduced by 75 percent to under 8,500 applications, and that backlog has now been entirely eliminated.

“Pennsylvania is fortunate to have so many caring, high-quality health care providers and professionals who want to be part of the Medicaid program and care for some of our most vulnerable friends, neighbors, and loved ones,” said DHS Acting Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh. “I want to thank them and DHS staff who worked so diligently on this issue. They have helped to ensure that Medicaid recipients in the Commonwealth can continue to get the care they need and deserve.”

By federal law, organizations are not able to offer care to patients under the Medicaid program unless they are enrolled providers. In addition, DHS must revalidate Medicaid service providers every five years. Any backlogs in processing applications means that providers who want to offer services to Medicaid recipients cannot do so until their applications are approved.

The Medicaid program in Pennsylvania serves more than 3.7 million people, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Recognizing the scope of the backlog and its impact on Pennsylvanians, the Shapiro Administration and DHS staff and leadership acted quickly to address it, removing roadblocks to processing applications quickly and cutting red tape.

Read the full announcement here. If a member has not been notified of the status of a pending enrollment or revalidation, please contact your RCPA Policy Director.