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Shapiro Administration

RCPA recently signed two letters, one to Governor Shapiro and one to the PA Department of Human Services (DHS), alongside dozens of other organizations and the Pennsylvania Community Health Worker Collaborative (PACHW) regarding the state’s plan for an amendment to authorize payments for Community Health Worker services under Pennsylvania State Medicaid. The letters outlined several key features PACHW wished to highlight regarding these payments, including:

  • Requesting DHS set “an equitable and adequate” reimbursement rate;
  • The creation of a Community Health Worker provider type; and
  • Recognizing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) as a primary diagnosis code.

Harrisburg, PA — Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh recently published two opinion pieces highlighting the historic investments for intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) services and the ID/A workforce in Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2024/25 proposed budget. At events across the Commonwealth, Secretary Arkoosh has met with advocates, families, caregivers, and direct support professionals to talk about what these investments would mean to them and why they are vital to Pennsylvanians with ID/A so they can live with the dignity and independence they deserve.

The Governor’s proposed $483 million in federal and state funding would provide more resources for home and community-based service providers, so they in turn can pay competitive rates to attract and retain the staff who provide these essential services. The proposal includes a $78 million investment of federal and state funds to serve an additional 1,500 Pennsylvanians with ID/A currently on the waitlist in the next fiscal year.

Governor Shapiro and Secretary Arkoosh recently met with Pennsylvanians with ID/A, caregivers, and advocates to hear how the proposed investments in his 2024/25 budget would address the needs of Pennsylvanians with ID/A by expanding access to support home and community-based services and addressing the shortage of direct support professionals.

Watch Secretary Arkoosh’s visit to Vision for Equality in Philadelphia

Watch Secretary Arkoosh’s visit to Penn-Mar Human Services in York County

Read additional materials below:

Read what Pennsylvanians are saying: 

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and Governor Josh Shapiro’s office invite you to Move Your Way! To acknowledge the National Day of Exercise and ODP’s new campaign to encourage physical activity, Governor Josh Shapiro has signed a proclamation, which recognized April 18, 2024, as Move Your Way Day.

What is Move Your Way?

Move Your Way is the physical activity campaign based on the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It offers tools and resources for individuals and professionals to learn about the Physical Activity Guidelines, share its key messages, and encourage individuals to become more active. Recognizing the health disparities and co-existing medical conditions experienced by many individuals with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and autism, ODP is promoting Move Your Way in cooperation with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Becoming more physically active can help lead to happier, healthier lives.

How Can You Move Your Way?

Anything that gets your heart beating faster counts. And it all adds up.

Find what works for you! Walking, dancing, gardening, swimming, and stretching are just a few suggestions for weekly movement.

Adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy: moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 150 minutes a week, and muscle-strengthening activity at least 2 days a week. Do activities that make your muscles work harder than usual.

What’s Your Move?

Do you have a weekly movement routine? Share your story with us!

Email ODP, and they may feature your story on MyODP News Online!