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Shapiro Administration

Today, Governor Josh Shapiro gave his second budget address to members of the General Assembly.  The Governor outlined an agenda that included new spending for direct service providers, minimum wage, education, health care, law enforcement, and a number of other initiatives. The below budget initiatives come from information from the Governor and his team, which has been made available to stakeholders. The budget proposals include:

Investing in Competitive Pay and Reimbursement of Services for Home & Community-Based Care

  • Increase in minimum wage to $15/hr.
  • $34.2 million in Community Waiver and $1.85 million in the Community Base Program, which will allow DHS to expand the number of individuals participating in home and community-based services programs.
  • Reimbursement Rates: The 2024/25 executive budget invests $213 million toward Community Waiver Program, $2.1 million in the Autism Intervention Program, and $1.1 million in the Community Base program. It also leverages $266 million in total federal funding to increase resources for providers of home and community-based services.
  • Equality in Communication Services: Inclusivity and equality require appropriate communication for Pennsylvanians with intellectual disabilities and/or autism who need it. This budget invests $934,000 to add American Sign Language and English interpreter services to program serving this population.
  • For more in-depth information regarding funding for ID/A services, visit here.

Making Pennsylvania a Leader in Economic Development, Job Creation, and Innovation

  • $500 million in PA SITES funding to bring more commercial and industrial sites online and ensure companies have options for attractive business environments where they can move quickly and thrive in Pennsylvania.
  • $25 million for the Main Street Matters program, to support small businesses and commercial corridors that are the backbone of communities across our Commonwealth.
  • $20 million to support large-scale innovation and leverage Pennsylvania’s best-in-class research and development assets.
  • $3.5 million to create and launch the Pennsylvania Regional Economic Competitiveness Challenge, which will incentivize regional growth, build vibrant and resilient regions, and support communities by investing in the development of comprehensive strategies to propel entire regions forward.

Building on Historic Education Investments & Making Progress to Support Every Pennsylvania Child

  • A historic nearly $1.1 billion increase in basic education funding — the largest increase in Pennsylvania history, recognizing the work of the BEFC and the need to direct these investments to the schools that need them the most. Of this significant increase, nearly $900 million is proposed as a first-year adequacy investment as recommended by the BEFC. The remaining $200 million will be distributed through the Basic Education Funding Formula.
  • A $50 million increase for special education funding to ensure school districts have the basic resources necessary to provide special education services to students with disabilities and special needs.
  • A $50 million annual investment in school safety and security improvements and $300 million in sustainable funding for environmental repair projects in school buildings.
  • $10 million for the Educator Talent Recruitment Account and $450,000 to support the Talent Recruitment Office at the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
  • A $5 million increase — coming to a total of $15 million — in funding for student teacher stipends to support Pennsylvanians training to become certified and committed educators.

Delivering a New Blueprint for Higher Education Grounded in Access & Affordability

  • $975 million in this new governance system that combines our community colleges and PASSHE schools — a 15 percent increase from $850 million last year in state investment in state-owned universities, community colleges, and the students they serve.
  • A 5 percent increase in institutional support for the Commonwealth’s state-related universities — Penn State, Temple, Lincoln, and Pitt — and a 15 percent increase to Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
  • An increase in financial aid for students who attend the schools under the new governance system, so that Pennsylvanians making up to the median income will pay no more than $1,000 in tuition and fees per semester.
  • An increase in financial aid for students who attend the schools under the new governance system, so that Pennsylvanians making up to the median income will pay no more than $1,000 in tuition and fees per semester beginning in FY 2025/26.
  • Increasing Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) state grants by $1,000, bringing the maximum award up from $5,750 to $6,750 beginning in FY 2025/26.
  • Investing $279 million annually starting in FY 2025/26 so Pennsylvania students can attend college in-state with a limited debt load after they graduate and can enter the workforce ready to start their careers and build a future in our Commonwealth.

The above are highlights of the Governor’s proposed budget. RCPA will be examining the budget spreadsheets over the next few days, will be attending the DHS Budget Overview this Friday afternoon, and will update members with any new information as it becomes available during the budget season.

If you have any questions, please contact Jack Phillips.

RCPA is happy to share highlights of Governor Shapiro’s proposed budget that recognizes the needs of the ID/A community in a way that Pennsylvanians have not seen for many years.

Governor Shapiro is prioritizing investments in home and community-based service providers so that they can pay competitive rates to attract and retain staff who provide these life-changing services to Pennsylvanians. The governor is proposing an increase in reimbursement rates by 12%, which will invest a total of over $480 million. This will be divided by state ($217 million) and federal ($266 million) funding for programs that support ID/A.

This budget will invest $34.2 million in the Community Waiver and $1.85 million in the Community Base Program, which will allow the Department of Human Services (DHS) to expand the number of individuals participating in home and community-based services programs.

The 2024/25 executive budget invests $213 million toward the Community Waiver Program, $2.1 million in the Autism Intervention Program, and $1.1 million in the Community Base program. It also leverages $266 million in total federal funding to increase resources for providers of home and community-based services.

In addition, this budget invests $934,000 to add American Sign Language and English interpreter services to programs serving those who require these services in order to experience equality in communication.

In response to this announcement, Richard Edley, PhD, President and CEO of RCPA, stated, “Governor Shapiro is really living up to his mandate to ‘get stuff done!’ The disability community has waited decades for a governor that would make systemic fixes a key budget issue, and the day has finally come. This may not solve all the issues that nearly destroyed this critical system of care and support, but it’s a start, which is more than we’ve had in quite some time.”

Read the summary of Governor Shapiro’s proposed budget plan for ID/A services. RCPA will be sharing more analysis of the budget when additional information is released.

Governor Shapiro and Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs have announced an $18 million funding initiative to assist practitioners in the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, prevention, case management, and recovery support services workforce. The SUD student loan repayment program aims to address workforce shortages by providing loan repayment opportunities to retain professionals in the field. This initiative, funded by the Opioid Settlement Fund and Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Program Fund, supports practitioners, including physicians, nurses, counselors, and case managers. Applications must be submitted by March 1, 2024, through the online portal. Practitioners are eligible for up to $75,000 for full-time practice or $37,500 for half-time practice. The program prioritizes those in rural areas with SUD workforce shortages and counties with underserved minority populations. For more information and application details, visit the DDAP Funding Opportunities page. Questions can be sent electronically.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

The Shapiro-Davis Administration has announced a $155M School Safety and Security Grant for K-12 schools, with a focus on mental health support, as part of the 2023/24 state budget. The grants cover noncompetitive School Mental Health Grants, formula-based School Safety and Security Meritorious Grants, and Competitive School Safety and Security Grants. To apply and access information, including eligibility criteria, visit PCCD’s School Safety and Security web page. The application period ends on February 29, 2024. The funds aim to address basic safety needs and mental health services, as outlined in the Committee’s Revised Baseline Criteria Standards. For inquiries, please contact PCCD staff. Funding is facilitated through House Bill 301 in the 2023/24 state budget. For any other questions, contact RCPA Mental Health Policy Director Jim Sharp.

A Special Session of the State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation has been announced and will be held on January 10, 2024, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm via Zoom. The purpose of the session is to discuss and seek approval of the VR portion of the State Plan as well as approval of the letter to Governor Shapiro. You can view both the agenda notice and information on connecting to the meeting.