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suicide prevention

An excerpt from Pennsylvania’s Suicide Prevention Month Guide Start the Conversation:

September is Suicide Prevention Month, with the week of September 8–14 identified as National Suicide Prevention Week. September 10 is recognized as World Suicide Prevention Day in countries around the world. This year marks the beginning of a new three-year theme focused on changing the narrative on suicide, which involves moving beyond awareness to starting conversations and taking action. Across sectors and settings, changing the narrative requires both culture and systemic change to provide meaningful education, advocate for resources, and prioritize suicide prevention in an ongoing way.

Read the Start the Conversation guide to learn how to speak with others about suicide prevention as well as gain access to toolkits and resources.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are pleased to announce that the latest edition of the Positive Approaches Journal is now available!

Safe Spaces, Strong Supports: Multifaceted Approaches to Suicide Prevention
and Mental Well-being

This issue of the Positive Approaches Journal focuses important attention on the often under-recognized topic of suicide and individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.

Knowledge brings new understanding, and new understanding brings new opportunities to be hopeful about better addressing the impact of suicidal thoughts and actions. In this issue, authors from a diverse range of voices, expertise, and professional backgrounds share their insights, experiences and resources which will aid in your support of others.

To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, you will find these options within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with your selected document. In your browser, you may click the Print button in the top left corner of the page, or by using the Print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by clicking on the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page.

The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. You can request additional information electronically.

The Jana Marie Foundation, Aevidum, Prevent Suicide PA, Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS), STAR-Center at the University of Pittsburgh, and Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Youth Suicide Prevention Grant are pleased to share a resource guide for communities for National Suicide Prevention Month. Within the month of September, the week of September 10–16 is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Week, with Sunday, September 10 marking World Suicide Prevention Day. This year’s theme is “Creating Hope Through Action.”

The resource guide provides examples of activities that you can implement in your organization or community to raise awareness of the importance of suicide prevention. This includes ideas for events, training, social media posts, virtual backgrounds, a sample proclamation, and more.

Please feel free to share this resource guide with partners in your communities that can work together to create hope and prevent suicide.

If you have any questions, please follow up with Perri Rosen or RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.

Message from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing:

Last week we reached out asking you to write to your congressional representatives in support of the 988 Implementation Act. We wanted to pop back into your inbox with a critical opportunity we have to expand the network connecting people to mental health and substance use care across the country.

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline has successfully served millions of people. But there is more work to do, and we need your support to do it. Support from you and your representative will go a long way that our crisis care system provides people in every community with someone to respond and somewhere to go if we hope to fulfill the promise of 988.

As a reminder it will only take 2 minutes to show your support. Here is why it’s paramount that your representatives support this legislation, 988 Implementation Act:

  1. Expands behavioral health workforce training programs and provides grant opportunities for local behavioral health centers;
  2. Expands Medicaid coverage for behavioral health services, including short term crisis intervention services;
  3. Increases support for mobile crisis response, ensuring that even those in rural areas have access to timely care;
  4. Creates new capital grants to be used for crisis response program facility renovation, construction, and expansion;
  5. Narrows the IMD exclusion so that services furnished in psychiatric acute care crisis beds administered by CCBHCs and other crisis care settings are eligible for Medicaid coverage; and
  6. Increases awareness of 988 through a national media campaign.

Contact your Congressional Representatives and urge them to support the 988 Implementation Act. By strengthening, and raising awareness for current resources, and building capacity at the state level for these on the ground crisis services, this legislation will make a difference, and save the lives of your friends, neighbors, and community members in crisis. Time is of the essence. Act today, and together we can strengthen the crisis care continuum.

Thank you for your advocacy.

Rachel Abraham
Federal Policy and Advocacy Coordinator
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Image by photosforyou from Pixabay

This webinar series is being provided by the GLS Youth Suicide Prevention Team in collaboration with The COVID-19 Emergency Response Suicide Prevention & National Strategy For Suicide Prevention Grant Team.

Suicide Risk Assessment for Mental Health Professionals

  • October 6, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Safety Planning for Mental Health Professionals

  • October 13, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Family Engagement for Mental Health Professionals

  • October 27, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Postvention Training for Schools and Community Behavioral Health Partners

  • November 3, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Lethal Means Reduction for Mental Health Professionals

  • November 10, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Visit here for more information and registration.