Positive Approaches Volume 12, Issue 3 Now Available

Positive Approaches Volume 12, Issue 3 Now Available

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are pleased to announce that the latest edition of the Positive Approaches Journal is now available!

Safe Spaces, Strong Supports: Multifaceted Approaches to Suicide Prevention
and Mental Well-being

This issue of the Positive Approaches Journal focuses important attention on the often under-recognized topic of suicide and individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.

Knowledge brings new understanding, and new understanding brings new opportunities to be hopeful about better addressing the impact of suicidal thoughts and actions. In this issue, authors from a diverse range of voices, expertise, and professional backgrounds share their insights, experiences and resources which will aid in your support of others.

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The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. You can request additional information electronically.