Urgent Request for Lifesharing Provider Agencies

Immediate Action Required
Dear Lifesharing Provider Agencies:
The Department of Human Services has established a pharmacy partnership to make COVID-19 vaccines available to individuals and caregivers who live and work in Chapter 6500 Lifesharing Homes.
It is critical that each Lifesharing Agency submit the information requested on this spreadsheet and return it to the Department no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 18, 2021.
To enter information, save a copy of the spreadsheet and use the filter button at the top of the column to show only your agency. Complete the requested information for each home operated by your agency, save the sheet, and send it via email.
If you are not serving any individuals in the home, you do not have to enter information in columns H – O.
Please complete columns I – O even if you are already working with a vaccine provider.
The “Agency Contact Person for Vaccine Arrangements” must be a person from the Lifesharing Agency, not a host home provider.
Please contact send an email with any questions you may have.