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Image by Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay

Immediate Action Required

Dear Lifesharing Provider Agencies:

The Department of Human Services has established a pharmacy partnership to make COVID-19 vaccines available to individuals and caregivers who live and work in Chapter 6500 Lifesharing Homes.

It is critical that each Lifesharing Agency submit the information requested on this spreadsheet and return it to the Department no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 18, 2021.

To enter information, save a copy of the spreadsheet and use the filter button at the top of the column to show only your agency.  Complete the requested information for each home operated by your agency, save the sheet, and send it via email.

If you are not serving any individuals in the home, you do not have to enter information in columns H – O.

Please complete columns I – O even if you are already working with a vaccine provider.

The “Agency Contact Person for Vaccine Arrangements” must be a person from the Lifesharing Agency, not a host home provider.

Please contact send an email with any questions you may have.


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

CMS sent out QSO-21-14 this week. It gives some extensive expectations on visitation (outdoor, indoor, virtual, compassionate care), COVID-19 testing of staff/clients/visitors, communal dining and activities, survey considerations, and recommended resources. Additionally, Kevin Dressler sent the following updates:

Incident Management Bulletin

Reminder: We sent out the draft IM bulletin a few months ago and have not received any feedback. I would love to hear everyone is fine with the way the IM bulletin is written; however we fully expect some comments. The Bulletin mirrors the IM bulletin for the 6400 covered locations for the private ICFs and has some increased requirements for the public ICFs (state centers).  Please send all comments to Chris Blauser by March 15, 2021. Thank you.

Vaccine Administration

We want to verify that all ICFs have established a provider to administer COVID vaccines to the people served and staff at each of your ICF locations; if you do not have a provider identified, we can assist in locating a provider for you.

  • Please identify any ICF location in your organization that has not established a provider to administer the COVID-19 vaccination to the staff and people supported. If an ICF location meets this criteria, please send an email IMMEDIATELY with location information for assistance connecting with a vaccine provider.

Health Alert Network Updates

Please review the updated Health Alert Network guidance from the PA Department of Health. I listed some of the recent updated or newly developed HANs that may be of interest:

  • HAN 551 – Post Vaccine Quarantine Guidance
  • HAN 550- COVID variant update
  • HAN 547- Antigen Testing for COVID-19 in Long Term Care Facilities
  • HAN 545- Vaccination Indicators and Contraindications

ICF Task Force Meeting Proposed Dates

The meetings for 2021 will be video conferencing through Skype or Microsoft Teams.

Proposed Dates and times:

  • March 2, 2021 (Tue)  11-1pm
  • July 6, 2021 (Tue)  11-1pm
  • November 2, 2021 (Tue)  11-1pm

Let us know if there are any major conflicts with dates.

ICF Taskforce Meeting Topics

As always we would like to make the ICF Task Force Meetings as meaningful as possible.  So, please submit to us any topics and ideas that would be of value to you and your organization and we will work to incorporate them into the meetings.

On June 19, 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed and codified the Employment First Law and established the Employment First Law for people with disabilities. Attached are the 2021 Employment First Annual Report and the 2020 Employment First Oversight Commission Report.

Additionally, the Employment First Oversight Commission Leadership beginning January 27, 2021 has been named. We are proud that RCPA member Steve Suroviec, President/CEO, Achieva, is the chair of the commission. The leadership positions are:

A link to these reports is also available on the Department of Labor & Industry’s Department of Labor & Industry’s website, under the “Employment First Act Documents & Reports” heading. Additional information or alternate formats of the reports may be obtained by contacting Edward M. Butler, OLTL Employment Specialist via email or phone (717-214-3718).

Image by Katja Fuhlert from Pixabay

The Wolf Administration has released a new order effective today to increase the administration of vaccine dosages received; ensure ease of scheduling appointments; reinforce specific reporting by vaccine providers; and ensure accountability in providers’ adherence to vaccine priorities. Key messaging around the order and specifics can be found in the order. A frequently asked questions document can be accessed here.

Managing the Impact of Temporary Enhanced Rates for Community Participation Support and Transportation Trip on Individual Support Plans (ISP) and Annual Fiscal Limits

The Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) was automatically updated to include the temporary increases to the CPS and Transportation Trip fee schedule rates. Critical revision will not be necessary for most ISPs to implement the change to the fee schedule rates. However, ODP recognizes that the temporary rate increases may result in an individual’s ISP exceeding the CL or P/FDS waiver caps. As a result, ODP Announcement 21-021 provides guidance to ISP teams to do the following:

  1. When adjusting the ISP, Supports Coordination Organizations should select a manual review. Even if the manual review is selected and there is no service change to the ISP, an auto authorization will occur, and Administrative Entities should conduct a quality assurance review.
  2. If the implementation of the temporary enhanced rates puts an ISP budget total over the respective cap established for the P/FDS waiver or the CL waiver, ISP teams should review current utilization of the services and adjust services accordingly in an attempt to bring the ISP budget within the cap. ISP Teams should follow the guidelines in the ISP Manual when looking at service utilization on an ISP, as follows:
    1. Determine if the designated service has the desired effect to address the specified need, which promotes the achievement of an Outcome Statement.
    2. Determine if there is an established limit associated with the service.
    3. Determine if the units in the ISP are necessary based on the individual’s current needs and are not above the established limit.
    4. Review the previous year’s utilization to inform discussions for future decisions.
    5. Determine continued need and skill attainment.
  3. When it is determined that, due to underutilization, service units can be reduced after completing a service utilization review; an ISP Team Meeting should occur to ensure individuals, families, and providers are aware and agree with any changes to the ISP. If an individual or family does not agree, the SC should request a cap exception by submitting the request to the Administrative Entity, using the existing process. ISP Teams will have an opportunity to revise ISPs for Fiscal Year 21-22 in accordance with forthcoming guidance, including taking the individual’s needs into account for Fiscal Year 21-22 which could include restoring units that were reduced this year.
  4. If the waiver cap for the P/FDS or CL waiver will be exceeded after utilization is reviewed and adjusted accordingly, the ISP team should request a cap exception by submitting the request to the Administrative Entity, using the existing process. Please refer to ODP Announcement 20-069 for the process and cap exception form.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Executive Director, Shannon Austin provided guidance to community providers of Supported Employment Services about a rate increase for the provision of services during a period of state mandated mitigation strategies for slowing the spread of COVID-19 in a memo dated February 9, 2021.

For new Supported Employment purchase orders created on or after February 22, 2021, regional rates will be changed to statewide rates, and Job Retention Services will increase. Purchase orders created prior to February 22, 2021, will not be cancelled and re-authorized under the new rate.

The Supported Employment Support Plan, Employment Service Premium. Longevity Premium, Job Mentoring Services and all four phases of Discovery will remain unchanged.