Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

ANCOR has shared that the first step to revise the Standard Occupational Classification process has begun. Today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), on behalf of the Standard Occupational Classification Policy Committee (SOCPC) — which is the committee that makes recommendations to OMB for potential revisions — announced it is beginning the review of the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Manual for revisions to be made for 2028, and that it is soliciting public comment.

This is an opportunity to write comments in support of revisions to the SOC, in particular for the creation of a code for direct support professionals. In its notice for comments, OMB specifically notes that it “solicits and welcomes comments related to any aspect of occupational classification, especially comments concerning . . . whether to consider the addition of new detailed occupations or occupational groups, including specifically care workers.”

The public comment period is open until August 12, 2024. ANCOR will be submitting comments and providing additional guidance and tools to submit comments in the coming weeks.

For more information, the notice is available on the Federal Register website.

The Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) met today, June 11, 2024. Deputy Secretary Ahrens presented an update regarding Performance-Based Contracting. The office received comments from approximately 100 commentators, resulting in over 700 separate comments regarding the proposed Selective Contracting Waiver.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has released several tools for providers to utilize and has scheduled four summits to delve deeper into the specifics for the performance measures. Providers who do not meet all standards for the Primary category but are not in the conditional status will be placed in the Primary category with a corrective action plan required. Residential provider agreements will not need to be returned to ODP until the end of July, rather than June, as previously stated.

There are several federal rules that have been finalized recently, and Deputy Secretary Ahrens gave an overview of these.

Candi Walton reported on Recommendation #4: Support Families Throughout the Lifespan.

StationMD presented an overview of their services. Geoff Musti can be reached via email for more information.

Lauren House presented information on Recommendation #10: Expanding Housing Options and the ODP Housing Pilot Update.

Dr. Greg Cherpes provided an update on Recommendation #5: Promote Health, Wellness, and Safety & Recommendation, and Recommendation #6: Support People with Complex Need. Note that both recommendations are included in the same document.

For any questions, contact Carol Ferenz.

This is a reminder that you’re invited to a free webinar hosted by William Rizzo, Managing Partner & Chief Strategist for Quantum Strategies!

As a professional in the Health and Human Services Community, you understand the importance of staying informed and making strategic business decisions. Quantum Strategies will be addressing those common misconceptions that HR Consulting and Managed Services companies are a threat to job security.

Quantum Strategies’ expert speaker will delve into how HR Consulting and Managed Services will partner with you to support your organization’s workforce, boost employee engagement, and drive business growth to overall success. By attending this online seminar, you will gain valuable insights that will empower you to make informed decisions that benefit both your company and its employees.


The webinar will be held on Tuesday, June 25, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (EDT).
If you register today, Quantum Strategies will send the recording as a bonus for free.

Tablet on a desk - Newsletter

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-053. This communication announces the release of a new issue of the quarterly newsletter, The CI Program Spotlight, from the Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). Instructions for accessing the newsletter are detailed in the announcement.

Leading Resilient Teams
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Register Here

Please join RCPA for an inspiring webinar to build leadership skills. Constant change and overwork deplete our teams’ resilience. Using practical tools, you will spot behaviors that drain resilience in your teams, respond constructively to team feedback, and grow your team’s resilience. CEs for this training have been approved, PDC: 1.5.

In this training, you will learn how to:

  • Identify leadership behaviors and practices that drain and nurture resilience in teams;
  • Respond empathetically and effectively to employee concerns; and
  • Implement practical strategies that grow your team’s resilience day by day.

The speaker for this session, Wendy Hultmark, has a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development & Communication, CPC, and is a Leadership & Career Coach, Facilitator, and Speaker. She helps leaders cut through overwhelming constant change so that they feel optimistic and empowered to lead their teams and careers through the latest challenge.

Wendy began as an HR professional in world-leading Boston hospitals and developed into a senior HR leader at a global Fortune 500 organization. Her coaching practice has led her to serve leaders in research labs, investment banking, non-profit, technology, and more, while her unique background helps her bring a practical, empathetic perspective to the demands of today’s rapidly changing world of work. Additionally, Wendy is a lead instructor for the Women in Leadership professional certificate program at Southern Methodist University, with expertise in the areas of Psychological Safety, Trust, and Engagement. She is a certified practitioner of Everything DiSC ® and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ® and is credentialed through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Register here for this training.

Today, June 10, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) held the second of four Provider Preparedness Summits for Residential Providers. More discussion on specific performance standards for Performance-Based Contracting took place. The PowerPoint is now available, and a recording of the session will be posted shortly on the MyODP website.

ODP staff in attendance answered many questions submitted by providers, and the discussion was primarily focused on staff credentialing. Credentialing is unique to the DSP, is portable, and requires recertification every two years. A quick google search on NADSP will provide a thorough e-badge handbook.

There are two additional summits planned, and ODP will be recording each summit. Providers are encouraged to attend all four sessions as well as watch a pre-recorded webinar. All of these resources can be found on the MyODP website.

Friday, June 28, 2024
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Register Here

Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) providers are invited to participate in the AAW Provider Quarterly Incident and Risk Management meetings.

These meetings will be held for all Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) providers and Support Coordinators (SC) providing AAW services. Pam Treadway and Heather Easley will facilitate these meetings with the intent to provide updates on incident and risk management related activities, share AAW data, inform providers of any upcoming changes, review ODP expectations, etc. Providers will be able to network with one another and ask questions directly to the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP).

The upcoming meeting will have a focus on Adult Protective Services (APS). BSASP is interested in obtaining your questions related to APS. In a future meeting, they will invite one of the Department of Human Services (DHS) leads for Adult Protective Services to answer your questions.

Multiple staff from a provider may attend but should register separately. Be sure to complete all required information to confirm attendance. A link to the meeting will be send prior to the scheduled meeting date.

Please contact the Provider Support inbox with questions.