PA Suicide Prevention Guide: Creating Hope Through Action

PA Suicide Prevention Guide: Creating Hope Through Action

In the United States, September is acknowledged as Suicide Prevention Month, with the week of September 5–11 identified as National Suicide Prevention Week. Around the world, September 10 is recognized as World Suicide Prevention Day. The goal of annual suicide prevention observances is to provide education and encourage advocacy around this public health challenge toward which prevention efforts can and should occur every single day.

This September, the theme of Suicide Prevention Month is Creating Hope Through Action. As communities here in Pennsylvania, nationwide, and around the world continue to experience the social, economic, and health-related impacts and disparities associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this theme offers an important opportunity to work together to promote awareness, provide support, and take action to prevent suicide.

Everyone has a role in preventing suicide. In recognizing Suicide Prevention Month, we can work to reduce the stigma around suicide, suicide attempts, and mental health challenges, and we can reinforce the message that help is available. The following guide offers a broad range of suicide prevention resources and strategies for individuals, families, organizations, and communities. The information in this guide can be used during the month of September and throughout the year.



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