RCPA Member SETWorks to Showcase EHR for Performance-Based Contracting on July 31

RCPA Member SETWorks to Showcase EHR for Performance-Based Contracting on July 31

To achieve the highest tier in the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP) new performance-based pay initiative, providers must use an EHR and an eMAR. Providers are assessed annually, and their tier determines their reimbursement rates.

Join SETWorks on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 12:00 pm ET for a group discussion, where they will demonstrate how they support all criteria and reporting metrics to meet the highest performance/payment tiers from ODP.

SETWorks in Pennsylvania:

  • Integrations with all funding sources, including ODP, OLTL, OVR and Ticket to Work
  • Generation of Pennsylvania-specific forms and reports
  • Importing authorizations directly from HCSIS
  • Handling of complex rules for residential services for billing to ODP
  • Completing and reviewing required monthly forms
  • Electronic visit verification (EVV) for personal care services is integrated with Sandata
  • Simplified process for Pennsylvania residential re-authorizations

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