RCPA Members Encouraged to Submit Comments and Complete Survey on Master Plan for Older Adults

On May 25, 2023, Governor Shapiro signed Executive Order 2023-09 — Pennsylvania’s Master Plan for Older Adults. This Executive Order directs the Pennsylvania Department of Aging to lead the Master Plan for Older Adults, a state-led, stakeholder-driven, 10-year strategic planning resource that can help states transform their infrastructure and coordination of services for older adult and disability populations.
The Department of Aging has been leading stakeholder listening sessions and presenting at various venues across the state in order to gather input and comments that will support the development of the master plan. Visit here to see the dates and times of virtual listening sessions planned in September; included in these sessions is a PowerPoint presentation.
Members are encouraged to contribute what you think should be the plan’s priority goals, objectives, and initiatives to support the highest quality of life for older adults. Comments can be shared here, via email, or by mail to Pennsylvania Department of Aging c/o Master Plan, 555 Walnut Street, 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
Members are also encouraged to complete the Needs Assessment Survey, which is designed to capture the experience of older adults and adults with disabilities. The survey will remain open until September 30, 2023.