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odp announcement

ODP Announcement 22-060 provides a News Alert from the Infection Prevention Specialist Partnership with Health Care Quality Units with information regarding performing COVID testing, treatment, and up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine booster dose recommendations.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received funding through a Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appropriation under the 2019 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) — Enhanced Detection Expansion (EDE) Grant.

This grant funding is being used to build capacity and provide additional support for infection prevention and control through the Health Care Quality Units (HCQUs) in partnership with a team of infection prevention specialists from Infectious Disease (ID) Connect. This project will run through June 2023.

A separate informational News Alert regarding Monkeypox is also available.

Monkeypox facts:

  • It is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus belonging to the Orthopoxvirus genus.
  • It was first discovered in 1958.
  • The majority of the infections are in Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Cases outside of Africa are linked to international travel or imported animals.
  • Rodents and non-human primates harbor the virus.
  • 19 cases have been confirmed since 6/1/22.
  • It is unclear how cases were exposed, but early data suggests that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men make up a high number of cases.
  • But, this does NOT mean that it is a sexually transmitted disease approved vaccine in this group.

For more information, please contact your regional HCQU contacts are listed in the ODP Announcement.

ODP Bulletin 00-22-02, effective June 2, 2022, is to establish the process for requesting a waiver of a regulatory requirement. This bulletin applies to entities seeking to be licensed or are currently licensed under one or more of the following chapters:

  • 55 Pa. Code Chapter 2380 (relating to Adult Training Facilities);
  • 55 Pa. Code Chapter 2390 (relating to Vocational Facilities);
  • 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6400 (relating to Community Homes for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism);
  • 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6500 (relating to Life Sharing Homes); and
  • Providers of home and community-based services (HCBS) for individuals with an intellectual disability or autism subject to 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 (relating to Services for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism).

Licensees and ODP-enrolled providers are expected to comply with all applicable regulations. However, the Department recognizes that there are occasions where compliance with a regulation impedes the licensee’s or ODP-enrolled provider’s ability to provide services to an individual. As a result, the Department permits licensees and ODP-enrolled providers to request that a section, subsection, paragraph, or subparagraph of a regulation not apply when it is in the best interest of an individual or group of individuals who receive services from the licensee or ODP enrolled provider.

Not all regulations can be waived. Section 6100.43(a) prohibits waivers of the following regulations:

  • Sections 6100.1–6100.3 (relating to General Provisions);
  • Sections 6100.41–6100.56 (relating to General Requirements);
  • Sections 6100.181–6100.186 (relating to Individual Rights); and
  • Sections 6100.341–6100.350 (relating to Restrictive Procedures).

Additionally, section 6500.12(7) prohibits waivers of sections 6500.1–6500.4 (relating to General Provisions). While Chapters 2380, 2390, and 6400 do not address waivers of regulation, waivers for these chapters are at the discretion of the Department and can be requested pursuant to 1 Pa. Code section 35.18.

Providers should utilize the Office of Developmental Programs’ form “Request for Regulatory Waiver.”

ODP Announcement 22-059 informs readers that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is pleased to announce that an amendment to the AAW was submitted to CMS on May 9, 2022. The submitted AAW includes modifications that were made as a result of public comment. The AAW amendment includes the following substantive changes:

  • Adding reserved waiver capacity for individuals who are discharged from a state center. Reserved waiver capacity is also being added for participants who have been incarcerated for more than six consecutive months;
  • Aligning provider qualifications in the AAW with the Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers, whenever possible;
  • Allowing relatives to deliver the Life Sharing component of the Residential Habilitation service;
  • Requiring that agencies that provide Residential Habilitation/Life Sharing must be qualified and enrolled to provide Residential Habilitation/Life Sharing in the Consolidated or Community Living waivers;
  • Increasing the annual fiscal limit in the transportation service to $5,000 per participant’s ISP year;
  • Allowing one of the four required monitoring conducted by the Supports Coordinator each year to be conducted remotely;
  • Adding a new service, Remote Supports; and
  • Delivering direct services using remote technology.

The requirements in the AAW will become effective when Appendix K flexibilities expire, six months after the expiration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency.

Please note that aligning the Assistive Technology service, where possible, with the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers includes adding generators for the participant’s primary residence.

The full AAW application, as well as a record of substantive changes, is available here.

CMS has 90 days to review the amendment, and changes may occur to the content based upon discussion with CMS during the approval process. The proposed effective date of July 1, 2022, is also subject to change. ODP will inform all stakeholders when CMS has officially approved the AAW and will make the approved waiver available at that time.

Questions about this communication should be directed via email.

The ODPANN 22-054 Update is to inform all interested parties that important infrastructural changes to the Medication Administration Training Program will now be rescheduled to take place from Friday, July 1 – Sunday, July 31, 2022, which will cause an outage. If you attempt to conduct a class or complete any training on the system during this outage, your work will be lost.

ODP Announcement 22-058 announces the launch of the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) survey to assess interest in linking data systems to the HRST. Please assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in completing this survey, as it will help to determine providers’ level of interest in linking existing data systems to the HRST.

This is an inquiry survey only and is intended to gauge provider interest. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete. Linking existing data would enable select data fields to autofill with data from these data systems on a routine frequency, thus reducing the amount of duplicate data entry.

The criteria for this service are outlined in this survey; please review the criteria carefully. You may need to consult with your IT personnel or your data system representative(s) to help determine if your agency can meet these criteria. This data import option would only be available to providers who meet all of the criteria listed. This survey will remain open for responses until Friday, June 10, 2022.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

ODP Announcement 22-046 serves as a reminder about a recent update to recommendations from the Pennsylvania Department of Health about details for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. The CDC updated their COVID-19 vaccine booster recommendations on May 19, 2022, to include guidance on boosters for children ages 5 through 11.

Pennsylvanians age 12 and older are eligible to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine booster, and those who are immunocompromised should receive a second booster dose at least four months after their first booster.

Eligible individuals are now able to schedule appointments and receive vaccine or booster doses. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will not be coordinating clinics for COVID-19 vaccine or booster doses.

Supports Coordination Organizations (SCO) and Supports Coordinators (SC) must make note of the following:

  • Supports Coordinators (SC) are responsible for ensuring vaccine access for each individual supported by their organization.
  • SCs are expected to be aware of vaccine and vaccination process information.
  • SCs are responsible to support the vaccination process through coordination of vaccine access and vaccination appointments.

Residential Providers must make note of the following:

  • Residential service providers are expected to identify a vaccine provider or have a plan for vaccinations of residents.
  • Providers encountering difficulties locating vaccine resources can contact ODP via email.

Questions about this announcement may be directed via email to ODP.

ODP Announcement 22-057 announces that ODP is launching resource pages associated with MyODP called “home.MyODP.” In the near future, all resources currently on the MyODP website will be transitioned over to this new website. At this time, ODP is requesting feedback of the new pages, which may be sent via email.

All pages on home.MyODP are now publicly accessibly without a login. You can click on the Learning tab to go to MyODP’s website for all trainings. Resources will still be available on MyODP until home.MyODP is finalized.

MyODP News Online has also been revamped. View the latest stories, which are categorized by Policy, COVID-19, Events, and Tools & Guidance, on the MyODP News Online main page. The search feature on home.MyODP will now also find results in Aid in PA and PA Autism. More improvements are coming, including improved navigation, further integration with Aid in PA and PA Autism, and a new communication database. Please provide feedback on these updates via email.

Image by Shotkitimages from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 22-056 is to communicate that registration for the July – December 2022 Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course classes (also known as cohorts) is now open on MyODP. The Initial CI Certification Course was created to ensure that all incidents requiring an investigation receive a systematic review that meets established standards. In order to perform investigations, the investigator must successfully complete all requirements of the CI Initial Certification Course.

Due to continued concerns regarding COVID-19, the July – December 2022 CI Initial Certification cohorts of the course will be provided virtually rather than in person.

To register for the CI Initial Certification course:

  1. Log into your MyODP account.
  2. Go to the Certified Investigator Initial Certification Course Information web page.
  3. Visit the Registration web page.

If you do not have a MyODP account, visit the MyODP login web page and follow the instructions under “Is this your first time here?” If you are not sure if you have a MyODP account, contact MyODP Support or Kiyona Duncan. For assistance with registration, contact Kiyona Duncan. For questions regarding course content, contact Amanda Black.

ODP Announcement 22-055 communicates the process for Administrative Entities (AEs) to validate that new Provider Applicants have satisfied all Waiver Provider Qualification requirements effective May 1, 2022.

Pursuant to 55 Pa. Code §6100.82 (relating to enrollment documentation) and the service qualification requirements specified in Appendix C of the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers, in order to become a qualified provider, applicants must submit required provider qualification documentation designated for new provider applicants. CEOs of provider applicants must successfully complete ODP Provider Applicant Orientation training, which includes pre-registration module webcasts and a full day, face-to-face session. Upon completion of each training component, the CEO must pass a post-test to earn and be issued a Certificate of Achievement.

The New Provider Applicant Process for licensed and unlicensed services is available for provider applicants on MyODP using the following pathway:

  • Resources > Intellectual Disability Resources > Waiver Services > Qualification and Enrollment.

These guiding documents steer applicants through the complicated qualification/enrollment processes.

Additionally, a detailed flowchart depicting the process to apply for and obtain a Certificate of Compliance for licensed services is available on MyODP through the same path specified above.

NOTE: Announcement 19-044 “Qualification Process for New Providers” will become obsolete as of the date of this publication.

Providers who plan to qualify for ODP’s Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) must contact the Bureau of Support for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) via email to begin the initial qualifications. Templates and additional documentation can be found below:

Please read the full announcement for more details.