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Residential Services

After reviewing hundreds of comments from stakeholders, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has made some initial adjustments to the proposed Performance-Based Contracting waiver for Residential Services. Areas with high volumes of comments included:

  • Select/Clinically Enhanced Tiers being reserved for agencies serving 10 or more individuals;
  • Competitive Integrated Employment standards;
  • Populations served with average Needs Level 4.5+ and average Health Care Level 3.5+ (HCL is established using the Health Risk Screening Tool);
  • Primary providers being limited to Needs Group 1-3;
  • The number of measures; and
  • The timeline for implementation.

ODP is now offering Residential providers a choice of when they are assigned into a tier. This will be based on which data they chose for ODP to review and make a tier determination upon. The choices will be:

  • Calendar year 2023 data reviewed with notification of tier assignment occurring in November, to be effective January 1, 2025 – June 2026; or
  • Review of Calendar year 2024 data with notification of tier assignment occurring in May, to be effective July 2025 – July 2026.

ODP plans to continue their review of public comments and intends to publish additional information. On July 19, ODP hopes to submit amended the 1915(c) waivers and 1915(b)4 waiver as well as publish the following supporting documents:

  • Performance Standards;
  • Implementation Plan;
  • Attestation; and
  • Provider Data Submission Tool.

On January 1, 2025, ODP intends to begin Performance-Based Contracting (pending CMS approval).

ODP will conduct a webinar for residential providers on Monday, July 22, 2024, from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, to review publications, changes made as a result of public comment, and instructions for tier determination and data submission. Register here. This webinar will be posted on the PBC Resource Page located on the MyODP website.

Today, June 3, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) held the first of four Provider Preparedness Summits for Residential Services providers. The purpose of the summits are to take a deeper dive into the specifics that are being proposed for implementation of performance-based contracting (PBC).

The PowerPoint is now available, and a recording of the session will be posted shortly on the MyODP website.

ODP staff in attendance answered many questions submitted by providers. One of the key takeaways from today’s summit is that ODP will be postponing the due date for residential provider agreements to be signed and submitted to ODP. Originally, they were projected to be due by June 30, 2024; however, ODP has now stated that the due date will be July 31, 2024. The agreement has not yet been published, but it is expected to be released tomorrow, June 4, 2024.

There are three additional summits planned, and ODP will be recording each summit. Providers are encouraged to attend all four sessions as well as watch a pre-recorded webinar. All of these resources can be found on the MyODP website.

Contact Carol Ferenz for further information.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 24-049 announces that the recording of the live virtual training sessions held in February and March 2024 regarding implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach for Program Specialists is now available on MyODP.

The recorded training session is provided for Residential Provider Program Specialists who contribute to ISP development but were unable to attend the live, virtual training. The training focuses on Program Specialist expectations in ISP development and ensuring consistent, statewide implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach.

Program Specialists are responsible for providing critical and up-to-date information to the ISP team so that the ISP is person-centered and mitigates risks to health and safety.

All participants must complete the current prerequisite online training (Residential ISP Staffing: It’s About the Person, Not the Numbers) before being able to view the recordings.

As a reminder, the public comment period ends next Tuesday, June 4, 2024, for the proposed implementation of Performance-Based Contracting for Residential Services, Waiver amendments, and proposed rates for services, which are effective July 1, 2024.

RCPA staff have participated in various listening sessions and met with members to hear your concerns regarding the proposed changes and rates. We will be sending our comments later this week and want to be sure that we are representing your interests. Please contact Carol Ferenz with any thoughts you have regarding these significant changes by close of business Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Thank you for sharing your concerns. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity to provide your own comments to ODP as well.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-008. The purpose of this communication is to provide clarification regarding new residential qualification requirements in waiver amendments, effective November 1, 2023, including the release of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. This clarification includes the requirement to have prior experience providing non-residential waiver services. Please view the announcement and FAQ document for information and details.

Hole torn in a dollar bill with medicaid text

Deputy Secretary Ahrens has shared information regarding avoidable Medicaid non-renewals for individuals. If an individual is receiving waiver services and loses their MA, this has the unfortunate outcome of the individual being dis-enrolled in the waiver. In turn, services rendered during a time when the individual is ineligible will not be paid through waiver funds.

If your agency serves as a representative payee or provides waiver services, especially residential services, this can have a serious impact on both your agency and the individual receiving services. Of note:

  • As of 10/17/2023, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has a record of 444 enrolled individuals (223 of whom are waiver participants) whose MA was not renewed procedurally. These participants’ renewal dates span April through September 2023.
  • 176 individuals (45 of whom are waiver participants) were registered and had their MA closed due to ineligibility.

The primary reasons appear to be that asset limits were exceeded and determination paperwork had not been returned (procedural closure). There are individuals who receive residential services in these groups. Please note that sometimes paperwork may go to a guardian or representative payee. In those situations, it’s important that there is communication between the provider and the responsible person. In particular, providers should be aware of the following:

  • Individuals receive MA renewal paperwork in the mail at their home address. Providers/SCOs should ensure that the CAO always has up-to-date contact information for individuals receiving MA.
  • Renewal dates differ. Individuals should receive renewal info about 90 days prior to the due date.
  • If a provider has questions about renewal dates for individuals, AEs and SCOs are provided data on all individual MA renewal dates.

Please ensure that your agency is aware of the renewal dates and is prepared to respond quickly and/or assist the guardian or family member who may be receiving the paperwork. Additionally, please be cognizant of the asset limits and consider opening an ABLE account if all the individual’s needs are met.

For any questions, contact Carol Ferenz.

ODP Announcement 23-042 informs stakeholders that a 45-day public comment period on the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) proposal to implement Selective Contracting for Residential and Supports Coordination (SC) services has begun. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 pm on July 10, 2023. ODP intends to change the way providers are enrolled, qualified, and paid to deliver the following services through selective contracting:

  • Residential Habilitation, Supported Living, and Life Sharing in the Consolidated and Community Living Waivers;
  • Supports Coordination in the Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers; and
  • Targeted Support Management in the Medicaid State Plan.

Selective Contracting allows ODP to improve the quality of these services by:

  • Moving beyond contracting with any willing and qualified provider and instead requiring providers to meet specific criteria set by ODP;
  • Developing a class of “preferred providers” using new performance standards that align with Everyday Lives; and
  • Aligning payment with outcomes.

You can view the Selective Contracting Concept Paper, which provides a general overview and technical details associated with ODP’s current ideas about selective contracting.

ODP will also be hosting stakeholder webinars to review the concepts in the Selecting Contracting Concept Paper, answer questions, and provide an opportunity for public comment. See the announcement for the dates and registration details for the stakeholder sessions.

Comments received by 11:59 pm on July 10, 2023, will be reviewed and considered by ODP in determining how to implement selective contracting. Public comment may be submitted through one of the following methods:

  1. Electronic submission through email;
  2. Written submission through mail, addressed to: Julie Mochon, Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs – 625 Forster Street, Room 510, Harrisburg, PA 17120; or
  3. Verbal submission through one of the public comment webinars. Comments from stakeholders identified for each session will be prioritized.

Questions about this communication should be sent electronically.

Hope Enterprises Celebrates 70 Years of Serving Pennsylvania’s DisABILITY Community

March 1, 2022

Mackenzie Howe | 570-326-3745

Hope Enterprises, a non-profit provider for people with intellectual disabilities, announces its 70th anniversary. Founded in 1952 by Dr. Max E. Miller and his wife Leona, Hope Enterprises started as a school for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Parents and local leaders in the Williamsport area worked alongside the Millers to grow an organization that supported each person’s needs, regardless of their perceived disability.

“Hope was founded on a deep desire to provide an everyday life,” said Robert Labatch, Hope’s president/CEO. “For seven decades we have aimed to innovate services that help people rise above their challenges and achieve personal goals and ambitions. Everyone at Hope is passionate about continuing Hope’s legacy as we continue to break the status quo for the next 70 years.”

Examples of this innovative spirit date back to the beginning. At the time, a school for children and adults with intellectual disabilities was quite unique. Since then, Hope has continued to redefine what a truly inclusive community can look like. In 1972, Hope’s residential services gave families an alternative to having loved ones live in institutions. Instead, this service enabled and encouraged community living.

In 1993, Hope introduced job training and placement services to provide integrated and supported employment opportunities so individuals could experience a natural work environment. Then, in 2015, Hope led the transition away from sheltered workshops (still in use by some organizations) by discontinuing the service that paid people with disABILITIES a subminimum wage. Those workers were transitioned to a new, integrated employment service known today as MaxWorx.

Most recently in 2020, Hope formed CHOICE services to support each person’s goals through a one-to-one model that pairs one individual with one Hope social worker. Very few organizations offer a one-to-one model, but Hope sees it as the path to the next level of community involvement and socialization.

In the future, Hope will continue to innovate on behalf of people with disABILITIES. “Every aspect of this organization is centered on people,” said Labatch. “As we evolve, families want services that provide the best advancement and growth for their loved ones. And with each new level we achieve, we can see the next opportunity to improve their lives.”

Employees will support change to empower, respect, and reflect the goals of people living with intellectual disABILITIES in the region. To lead innovation, the organization is hiring more employees who are dedicated to Hope’s mission.

Today, Hope Enterprises serves Lycoming, Clinton, Northumberland, Columbia, Montour, Snyder, and Union counties. The nonprofit offers support services in community participation, in-home support, employment services, and living options. The full range of services benefits individuals with intellectual disABILITIES in every aspect of their lives.

Learn more about Hope Enterprises, Inc. and support The Hope Foundation, at www.HopeAbility.org.

ODP Announcement 21-057 “Individual Support Planning for Residential Services Review of Staffing Ratio Guidance and Upcoming Training” has been released to achieve the following:

  • Sustain the expectation that Administrative Entities (AEs), Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs), and providers of waiver residential services use the guidance provided in ODP Announcement 19-091 and the Annotated Individual Support Plan (ISP), dated 07-03-19, to document the staffing support that is needed and will be provided to replace residential habilitation service staffing ratios; and
  • Announce that additional training will be provided in the future to:
    • Standardize how risk factors and identified health and safety needs should be addressed using person-centered thinking skills;
    • Clarify documentation of supports and services in the ISP; and
    • Ensure there is a description of strategies (ex. technology, environmental, and staff supports) to mitigate risk(s) during specific activities and situations.