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The Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) met today, June 11, 2024. Deputy Secretary Ahrens presented an update regarding Performance-Based Contracting. The office received comments from approximately 100 commentators, resulting in over 700 separate comments regarding the proposed Selective Contracting Waiver.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has released several tools for providers to utilize and has scheduled four summits to delve deeper into the specifics for the performance measures. Providers who do not meet all standards for the Primary category but are not in the conditional status will be placed in the Primary category with a corrective action plan required. Residential provider agreements will not need to be returned to ODP until the end of July, rather than June, as previously stated.

There are several federal rules that have been finalized recently, and Deputy Secretary Ahrens gave an overview of these.

Candi Walton reported on Recommendation #4: Support Families Throughout the Lifespan.

StationMD presented an overview of their services. Geoff Musti can be reached via email for more information.

Lauren House presented information on Recommendation #10: Expanding Housing Options and the ODP Housing Pilot Update.

Dr. Greg Cherpes provided an update on Recommendation #5: Promote Health, Wellness, and Safety & Recommendation, and Recommendation #6: Support People with Complex Need. Note that both recommendations are included in the same document.

For any questions, contact Carol Ferenz.

Message from StationMD:

We are honored to share that our CEO and Founder Dr. Matthew Kaufman has received the 2022 Leadership Award given by the distinguished American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). This award is presented for courage and dedication resulting in an outstanding contribution to the field of developmental disabilities. All of this year’s AAIDD Award recipients can be seen here.

Behind his expertise and leadership, StationMD has grown into a robust system of specially trained and board-certified doctors, technologists, and support staff. Our team delivers superior care to individuals with I/DD, reducing stress and costs for not only the patients but also their circles of support.

We are proud to be on the forefront of a paradigm change in delivering care to people with disabilities.

For more information on StationMD, please contact us today.

Did you know that StationMD provides Behavioral Health services through scheduled Psychiatry and Psychology telemedicine appointments?

And just like our medical doctors, our staff psychiatrists have specialized training and years of experience working with individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD). They are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health and behavioral illnesses effecting people with disabilities.

According to the CDC, a recent study showed that adults with disabilities report experiencing mental distress more frequently than those without disabilities. Due to the high prevalence of mental health issues in those with I/DD, the ability to offer this service is critical in taking care of the whole individual. And because we offer our service via telemedicine the individual can be seen and treated without ever leaving the comfort and safety of their home.

Contact us to learn more.

StationMD is a healthcare solution that delivers sophisticated medical care through telemedicine, offering immediate access at any time to high-quality, board-certified doctors who are specially trained in the care of individuals with IDD. Through HIPAA compliant two-way video technology, and with the use of Bluetooth medical tools, StationMD physicians can assess individuals in their home setting. They can provide treatment plan recommendations and quality medical care to keep patients safe, healthy and in place whenever possible. Learn more at StationMD.com and follow along via Twitter (@StationMD) and on Facebook and LinkedIn (StationMD).

Hello and Happy New Year from StationMD!

We know there are a lot of questions and concerns relating to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, especially as it relates to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their circle of support. StationMD has prepared a brief informational webinar to discuss the latest data and resources on the vaccines, including how they work, the vaccination schedule and process, side effects, and medical concerns for individuals with IDD.

We are offering this FREE webinar on four different dates to answer questions and help attendees navigate the next few months.

  • Thursday, January 7, 2021 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) REGISTER HERE
  • Wednesday, January 13, 2021 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST REGISTER HERE
  • Friday, January 15, 2021 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST REGISTER HERE
  • Tuesday, January 19, 2021 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST REGISTER HERE

For further information, contact Carol Ferenz, Director of IDD Division.