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odp announcement

ODP Announcement 22-044 serves to clarify that ridesharing services, such as Lyft, Uber, or other similar transportation services, may be reimbursed through the public transportation service. Public transportation services are provided to or purchased for an individual to promote self-determination and enable an individual to gain access to employment, services, and activities specified in the Individual Support Plan (ISP). Public transportation may be purchased by an OHCDS or by an FMS organization for individuals who self-direct services. In addition, public transportation vendors may enroll directly with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).

For individuals receiving residential services (Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, or Supported Living), transportation services may only be used to enable an individual to get to his or her competitive, integrated job. If the individual is using public transportation for other needs, such as community activities, volunteering, visiting family or friends, etc., the cost of this service is included in the rate paid to providers of Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living.

The cost of ridesharing services, such as Uber, Lyft, or similar public transportation options, can be reimbursed through the Transportation service. If the Transportation service is under consideration by the individual and their ISP team, the team must determine if using a ridesharing service is a cost-effective, beneficial, and practical transportation option for the individual.

The team must consider other options available through the transportation service, including publicly available bus passes, rail service, taxi service, and Transportation Trip to ensure the most cost-effective, beneficial, and practical use of the service.

Please see the full announcement for more details about the use of these services.

ODP Announcement 22-045 announces that the renewals of the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers were submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 1, 2022. CMS requires Medicaid waivers to be renewed every five years. The submitted waivers included revisions made as a result of over 500 public comments received from individuals and self-advocates, families, agencies, and organizations. Each full waiver application, as well as the Record of Change document that contains the substantive changes made as a result of public comment, is available online.

It is anticipated that the waiver renewals will be approved and effective July 1, 2022. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will inform all stakeholders when the waiver renewals have been approved. The approved versions will be made available online at that time.

ODP Announcement 22-042 shares the News Alert for providers to assist in managing and developing infection control strategies, including COVID-19. The News Alert from the Infection Prevention Specialist Partnership With Health Care Quality Units has been released with information regarding sites performing COVID testing, up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine booster dose recommendations, and the Powassan Virus (POW).

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received funding through a Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appropriation under the 2019 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) — Enhanced Detection Expansion (EDE) Grant. This grant funding is being used to build capacity and provide additional support for infection prevention and control through the Health Care Quality Units (HCQUs) in partnership with a team of infection prevention specialists from Infectious Disease (ID) Connect. This project will run through June 2023.

ODP Announcement 22-043 provides information regarding the part of the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) ARPA plan wherein providers can receive a one-time supplemental payment for technology-related activities that strengthen and enhance home and community-based services (HCBS). The following activities would be supported by this initiative:

  • Purchase of assistive and/or remote support technology;
  • Purchase and implementation of new software or technology for electronic health records;
  • Technology associated with improving quality or risk management functions;
  • Technology professional credentialing identified in ODP provider qualifications; and
  • Purchase of consultation services to enhance technological capabilities.

This initiative is designed to enhance HCBS by:

  • Replacing staff functions with the use of technology, allowing staff time to be directed to other care activities;
  • Providing individuals greater independence and choice using technology; and
  • Improving quality of care through implementation of solutions like electronic health records and integrated data solutions.

Supports Coordination Organizations: As part of the ODP ARPA plan, SCOs can receive a one-time supplemental payment for technology-related activities that enhance HCBS by:

  • Improving capacity to conduct remote monitoring of individuals;
  • Improving efficiency of Supports Coordinators, including maximizing time in the field;
  • Obtaining or enhancing secure inter-office communications; and
  • Implementing technology-dependent quality improvement strategies.

This announcement includes the Application for Providers and Application for Supports Coordination Organizations.

ODP Announcement 22-041 announced that as of May 1, 2022, a new web-based eLearning version of the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Advanced Rater Training (ART) will become available. With the release of this eLearning course, the webinar-based version will no longer be offered. Advanced Rater Training is the follow-up course for raters who complete the foundational HRST Online Rater Training and for nurses wishing to become clinical reviewers. Additionally, an Advanced Rater Training FAQ is available.

ODP Announcement 22-039 describes actions the Administrative Entities (AEs) and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) must take when an Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) waiver or base participant is admitted to a Nursing Facility (NF) to ensure a coordinated transition to Long-Term Care (LTC) services and prevent service interruptions.

When an ODP waiver participant (Adult Autism, Consolidated, Community Living, or Person/Family Directed Support) is identified for NF admission, he or she will transition from the ODP waiver to Community Health Choices (CHC) for their Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Nursing services are started the day of admission into the NF, ensuring health and safety. The individual must begin to receive CHC services on the day he or she is admitted to the NF. Individuals cannot be dually enrolled in CHC and an ODP waiver. The AE, county MH/ID program, and/or SC will assist the individual in transitioning to the NF and move the participant into reserved capacity for their ODP waiver.

Enrollment in an ODP waiver or base services in HCSIS prevents the CHC from enrolling the individual in LTSS in eCIS; therefore, the AE must end date the waiver or base enrollment in HCSIS prior to the CHC enrollment date in eCIS/CIS to avoid overlap.

Please review the announcement for further guidance.

ODP Announcement 22-036 is to share information for residential providers to assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in ensuring effective use of statewide residential resources. For purposes of reporting residential vacancies, a “residential vacancy” is any change in a Licensed 6400 or Licensed 6500 setting that results in the occupancy of the home being less than the setting’s approved program capacity (excluding individuals who are on medical or therapeutic leave). Reporting a residential vacancy helps to ensure:

  • Providers have an opportunity to inform SCOs, Counties, and ODP of vacancies in order to better coordinate referrals;
  • Individuals have an opportunity to reside in their preferred geographic areas, close to friends, family, and the community that they know;
  • Centralized reporting of residential vacancy information is available; and
  • Individuals most in need are considered first for a residential habilitation opportunity.

Once a vacancy is identified, the licensed residential habilitation home or Lifesharing setting can be used for respite services as long as the home remains within the approved program capacity. The approved program capacity for Chapter 6400/6500 residential service locations is set by the PA Department of Human Services (DHS or The Department) in accordance with ODP’s policy on Approved Program Capacity (APC) stated in ODP Announcement 19-138: Approved Program Capacity (APS) and Updated Noncontiguous Clearance Form.

ODP has developed a streamlined process that allows providers to complete an online ODP Residential Vacancy survey to report available residential vacancies within the agency. Use of this tool is encouraged and replaces the previous process of submitting the DP 1024 form.

Reporting a Residential Vacancy:

  1. Before submitting a Residential Vacancy Survey, providers are encouraged to notify their local AE of the vacancy. The AE may have an individual referral that would meet the characteristics of the vacancy.
  2. To start the referral process, a provider can submit the vacancy notification to ODP by accessing the Residential Vacancy Survey.
  3. Submission of the form should be completed within three (3) business day of the creation of the vacancy.
  4. The Residential Vacancy Survey is designed to allow providers to enter up to 10 vacancies in succession. This eliminates the need to repeatedly enter the general information for the provider, such as the Master Provider Index (MPI) number and contact information.
  5. All providers are encouraged to complete the vacancy notification through the Residential Vacancy Survey link. A provider may experience delays in filling vacancies or completing changes to the APC when the Residential Vacancy Survey is not utilized.
  6. In preparation of completing the survey in the most efficient manner, providers should have available the specific information listed in the announcement.

Reporting a Residential Vacancy That is No Longer Available (Filled):

  1. Once the vacancy is filled, the Provider will access the Residential Vacancy Survey in order to remove the vacancy from the statewide report.
  2. The Provider should enter the effective date for when the vacancy was no longer available.

ODP Announcement 22-035 announces that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is requiring Supports Coordinators (SCs) to conduct an in-person monitoring with individuals that fall into the following priority list on their caseload that they have not seen in-person during this current Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 by the end of the FY, June 30, 2022.

  • Individuals who live alone that have not had an in-person monitoring during this FY;
  • Individuals who did not receive an in-person service from a Provider during this FY;
  • Individuals supported in a licensed residential setting that is currently under licensing sanctions or license revocation; and
  • Newly-enrolled individuals who have never had an in-person monitoring visit with their assigned SC.

An additional in-person monitoring visit is not required for those individuals who have already been seen in-person by the SC during this FY unless there are health and safety concerns.

Also, ODP recognizes that every individual has a different comfort level with in-person visits. Use the guidance and talking points in the Tip Sheet during your conversations with individuals and families to help them feel comfortable with an in-person visit.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the AAW Provider Information Table and published ODP Announcement 22-038 to reflect the April 1, 2022, waiver amendment. Amended sections and new text in the table are highlighted in gray. The updated Provider Information Table includes these highlights:

  • Clarification that the waiver cannot be used to fund home accessibility durable medical equipment that is covered under the Medical Assistance State Plan.
  • Clarification of delivery of services while the participant is hospitalized. The requirements in the waiver will become effective when Appendix K flexibilities expire, six months after the expiration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • Extension of timeframes for staff training or credentialing for employment-related service.
  • Increase in the threshold for obtaining an independent evaluation for assistive technology devices.
  • Clarification on the inclusion of physical restraints in the behavioral support plan.
  • Requirements for obtaining criminal history clearances for staff.
  • Aligning level of care reevaluation procedures with current practice.
  • Other changes designed to align the AAW, where practical, more closely with the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support and Community Living waivers.
  • Expanded sections on provider qualifications for each service.

Providers are reminded that they are responsible for being aware of any changes to definitions of services they provide and ensuring that individuals furnishing direct services are fully qualified before providing services to AAW participants.

The AAW amendment effective April 1, 2022, is available on the Department of Human Services’ website or here.

Questions or comments about this communication can be sent to ODP via email.

This announcement is to inform stakeholders of ARPA funds that are available to AEs to disperse in order to meet Respite and/or the Family Driven Support Services (FDSS) needs of individuals on the waiting list who do not currently receive waiver funded services. This communication is intended to:

  • Describe eligibility criteria for the use of these funds;
  • Describe eligible expenditures;
  • Describe responsibilities of counties in allocating funding; and
  • Describe reporting requirements.

An FAQ is included to address common questions about this program as well as a Family Support Funds tracker for reporting use of the funds.