Urgent Request for BI Information From Legislative Leadership
As was shared in the RCPA Alert sent on Tuesday, January 28, the House Human Services and Insurance Committees held a joint informational meeting on January 29 on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Care Needs and Coverage Options, where testimony was provided by RCPA, OLTL, Success Rehabilitation, BIAPA, and insurers.
Following the hearing, leadership from the House Human Services Committee has requested additional information from BI providers. Please review the questions below and provide responses to Melissa Dehoff by close of business Monday, February 3.
- Is your organization accredited by CARF as a Brain Injury Residential Rehabilitation Program (Adult) or Community Housing?
- Do you provide other non-residential services through the waiver? If so, please list them.
The important message to share is that we have the legislators’ attention! Things are moving very quickly; there are many meetings, calls, and ongoing communications with leadership in the legislature as we enter the key phase of budget negotiations.
It is critical that we have full participation in providing this information from every single BI provider/program. If we do not provide responses from 100% of our BI members, it could have an impact on funds being allocated to us in the budget.
Please contact Melissa Dehoff with questions and your responses.